If John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC finds damage and decay to your tooth is too extensive to be repaired with a filling, never fear. You may not need a crown. You may need a related procedure called a dental inlay.
Bigger than a filling but smaller than a crown, this type of procedure is an excellent option. The same materials used to make other types of restorations may be used to make inlays.
These materials include:
Inlays are placed in the tooth’s center between the cusps or points of the tooth. By adding this structure to damaged or decayed portions of the tooth, John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC strikes the balance of providing strength and stability for normal function while saving the healthy portion of the tooth.
Inlays generally cover and seal better than a filling. These covering and sealing qualities extend the life of the restoration, potentially delaying more extensive and costly treatments.
Inlays are also considered a less aggressive and more cost-effective alternative to a dental crown. Inlays have been deemed a conservative approach for yet another reason: the amount of tooth structure removed to accommodate the restoration is minimized. The crown is a bigger restoration, because it covers a much larger portion of the tooth. In some cases, such as a missing tooth being replaced with dental implant therapy, it is the portion of the tooth seen above the gum-line. Inlays restore a much smaller surface and, as such, are much smaller restorations. Less enamel must be removed to make room for these small restorations.
Similar to a crown, inlays will be custom-made from impressions of your teeth to achieve a seamless appearance that blends in with the rest of the teeth and to restore natural function.
A related type of procedure is the dental onlay. This type of restoration is placed in the grooves and over the tips of the cusps or points.
John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC will examine your teeth to determine if dental inlays near Troy MI, are the best restoration for you. Call (248) 243-6044 to schedule an appointment today. Inlays can return your mouth to health while avoiding extensive treatments associated with advanced decay and damage.