John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC offers multiple options to replace missing teeth, which accommodate a wide range of needs and budgets. While extraction is always a last resort, should a tooth not be saved with fillings, inlays, onlays, or crowns, your Shelby Township area dentist can restore appearance and function with a bridge or dental implant.
If you are missing many or all of your teeth, John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC offers both removable and hybrid dentures options. While much has been made online of the positives and negatives of conventional and implant-supported dentures, the success of both of these options depends on excellent care.
After eating, you should always remove the dentures and rinse them off. By keeping proper denture hygiene, you avoid the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on your new teeth. Learn to handle dentures carefully to avoid dropping them and the subsequent need for repairs or replacements.
Your dentures should be cleaned with a soft bristle or specialized brush designed for these types of prostheses. Cleaners should not be abrasive; look for products with the American Dental Association Seal.
John L. Aurelia, DDS, PLLC and his team can recommend good products to keep your dentures in optimal shape. Suggestions for how to care for dentures include those products and methods for soaking dental appliances when they are not in use. Hot water, for example, can warp the denture. It is important that dentures retain their shape, so they are comfortable and function as designed.
Regular dental visits help ensure fit and prevent the slipping and pain that is sometimes associated with dentures. Since your face shape can change with time, adjustments can be made so proper chewing and function are maintained.
You can still develop inflammation and bacteria around the area of the implant, which is the stand-in for your natural tooth root. This titanium tooth root holds the overlying denture securely in place. This feature eliminates some of the aforementioned concerns over poor fit, looseness, and slipping.
Regular dental appointments allow the doctor to check that the components of your dentures are working properly. Even the slightest movement when chewing, for instance, can cause irritation and sores.
A strong relationship with your Shelby Township area provider is key. Start the process by calling (248) 243-6044 to schedule an appointment.