At our Rochester Hills area practice, we offer a wide range of restorative and cosmetic dental services to restore the health, function, and appearance of our patients’ smiles. In addition to crowns and fillings, we offer dental inlays and onlays.
Sometimes, patients experience damage to the tooth that can’t quite be repaired with a filling, but also isn’t quite severe enough to require a dental crown. The challenge, as dentists, is we want to always opt for the most conservative treatment, while also ensuring that the structural integrity of the restoration will last a long time. For many patients in this situation, a dental onlay or inlay is the answer.
The onlay is sometimes referred to as a partial crown. These solutions are created off-site in a dental laboratory, based on impressions of the damaged tooth. Dental inlays are large fillings that are put within the cusp (the pointed, projected part) of a tooth. Onlays are used when the damage to the tooth extends beyond the cusp.
Onlays are popular because they preserve a large portion of the tooth structure. When full dental crowns are used, a portion of the healthy tooth structure must be removed to allow room for the restoration. Inlays and onlays are more conservative than crowns, preserving as much healthy tooth as possible.
At John L. Aurelia, D.D.S., PLLC, our team is trained extensively in giving our patients the best results using the most effective and conservative means possible. Our comprehensive services focus on improving quality of life and allowing our patients to make the most of their healthy, beautiful smiles. If you are in the Rochester Hills area and want dental care you can trust, call our team today at (248) 243-6044.