Whether you are preparing for an important interview, getting ready for that first date, or just seeking something to make you stand out, one factor remains the same: an engaging smile always gets you noticed. However, most of our daily routines include drinking and eating items that can stain our teeth and leave us feeling embarrassed or self-conscious. If whitening toothpaste from the local drug store isn’t cutting it, other viable options are at your disposal to revitalize your smile.
The Rochester Hills, MI office of Dr. John L. Aurelia provide a multitude of alternatives to invigorate your smile. After a consultation and regular cleaning, you can choose at-home whitening options that include:
For a professional and longer-lasting white smile in less time, you can choose:
If you want more control over the whitening process of your teeth, The Crest professional-grade whitening strips may be the option best suited for you. They are similar in practice to those whitening strips purchased in drug stores. The difference lies in the effectiveness and longevity compared to standard whitening strips.
Ultradent take-home bleaching consists of wearing a tray perfectly tailored to your dental arch for at least an hour every day, and in some cases, overnight. Whitening gel is placed into the tray before use and it will progressively whiten your teeth after every use.
Zoom! In-office whitening provides you with the fastest and most reliable form of teeth whitening. After abstaining from acidic food and beverages that can stain your teeth for two hours prior, and completing a professional cleaning, you are now eligible for a bleaching like you’ve never experienced before. A gel will be placed on your teeth, which will then react with the Zoom! light source. In the course of one hour, the active ingredients work relentlessly to enhance your smile, providing results you will love to show off. After the treatment is finished, you will leave with a cleaner, whiter, and more confident smile than ever before.
If you are unsure of the best course of action to take for your teeth, call today for a consultation with the team of Dr. Aurelia, D.D.S. Let us assist you in becoming the best “you” that you can be.