Tooth loss occurs for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is because of trauma, while other times disease may cause patients to lose their natural teeth. There are times in which they may need to be extracted due to failed root canals or other issues. However, just because a patient does not have his or her natural teeth, doesn’t mean that he or she can’t benefit from a beautiful, healthy looking smile. Thanks to dentures, patients will be able to enjoy fully functioning teeth and a wonderful smile that makes them feel good about themselves.
There are many benefits of dentures. Rochester Hills patients can come to Dr. John L. Aurelia to learn about the two different kinds: partial dentures and full dentures. Full dentures are dentures that replace an entire arch of teeth. This may be the top, bottom, or even both. Partial dentures snap into place and replace one or even more than one tooth in a patient’s dental arch. Both have several benefits.
Thanks to advances in dental technologies and materials, patients are able to enjoy beautiful restorative treatments. Both partial and full dentures made by Dr. Aurelia will be beautiful and fully functioning, and partial dentures will blend effortlessly into a patient’s existing smile.
Partial dentures are made to snap in and out with ease. Full dentures can be secured with dental implants for added strength and stability, making them even easier to fit into place.
Dentures can be removed to allow a patient to clean their teeth thoroughly, as well as tend to the cleanliness of their dentures.
Dentures are an affordable restoration that many patients may choose initially until they make a decision regarding permanent restorations such as dental bridges or dental implants. They can be a long-term or short-term restoration depending on the patient’s needs, desires, and budget.
If you are experiencing tooth loss and are considering restorations such as full or partial dentures, contact the team at the office of Dr. John L. Aurelia today to schedule a consultation appointment and educate yourself about the various possibilities and alternatives available to you.