When replacing missing teeth, you want the best care you can find in the Rochester, Michigan, area. The team at John L. Aurelia, D.D.S., PLLC, has been providing tooth replacement options to local area patients, including bridges, dentures, and implants. All three have their own benefits, but many dentists consider a dental implant the “gold standard” of tooth replacement. A dental implant topped with a quality, strong crown provides a restoration that will last for years.
If you have been considering replacing a missing tooth but putting it off, you may want to think twice. Even if living without your tooth may not be causing you many functional issues, it can have a more impactful effect on your overall dental health. Implant dentist, Dr. Aurelia would like to share some reasons why tooth replacement is critical for your smile and oral health.
When a tooth is lost, the other teeth must overcompensate the chewing and breaking down of the food you consume. This is made more complicated if the missing tooth is a molar whose primary purpose is to chew and break down the food you eat. Proper chewing does more than just make food easier to swallow and reduces the chance of choking on a large, unchewed piece.
Chewing your food properly also aids in digestion and your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the food you eat. You may not get the full nutritional benefits when you cannot properly chew your food.
When you lose a tooth, you are losing more than the visible portion of the tooth. You are also losing the root, which resides below the gumline and is integrated into your jawbone. Many patients who visit Dr. Aurelia are unaware of the critical role a tooth’s root plays in the jawbone’s health.
When you chew or exert pressure on a tooth, the stimulation this provides down through the root into the jawbone is paramount to the jawbone’s health. When you lose a tooth, the jawbone in that area now has nothing to support and is not receiving the stimulation it once had. Because of this, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate and be re-absorbed into the body. This bone loss could have a negative impact on surrounding teeth and result in even more tooth loss.
When you lose a tooth, the result is a gap in your smile. Whether this gap is in the “smile zone” or not does not really matter. The resulting gap will lead the adjacent teeth (on both sides) to angle inwards or even shift into the gap, resulting in further gaps and shifts. A misaligned bite can result in reduced chewing function, jaw pain, enhanced risk of decay and gum disease, and even chronic headaches. Replacing your missing teeth promptly will allow you to avoid these issues.
Dr. Aurelia wants to ensure that you have a healthy and functional smile that is also beautiful. When you feel good about your smile, you feel confident and are able to interact with others as you would like.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Aurelia, please call (248) 243-6044.