Sleep apnea can affect your health and quality of life. When left untreated, it can lead to long-term health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. If you are looking for dental solutions for sleep apnea in Rochester, Michigan, look no further than John L. Aurelia, D.D.S., PLLC for specialized sleep solutions.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type and is caused by an airway blockage. This usually happens when the throat’s soft tissue collapses while sleeping, blocking the airway and making it difficult for air to get in or out. Central sleep apnea (CSA) occurs when the muscles that control your breathing do not receive proper signals from your brain. Essentially, your body “forgets to breathe.” Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of both OSA and CSA.
Some common symptoms of sleep apnea include:
In some cases, your partner may notice these symptoms. They may say that you snore frequently or stop breathing while you sleep. You may remember frequent periods of waking up. You may also experience daytime sleepiness and headaches due to poor sleep quality.
Perhaps you’ve tried CPAP therapy and found it wasn’t right for you. Maybe you are interested in beginning treatment with a convenient and portable solution. In either case, oral appliance therapy may just be what you’re looking for.
Since obstructive sleep apnea is caused by soft tissue blocking the airway, it can be treated with an oral appliance. These devices move the lower jaw forward, keeping the airway clear and allowing you to breathe while sleeping.
However, it’s important to know that not all oral appliances are created equal. When you work with a dentist specializing in sleep dentistry, you can count on expert, personalized care. You will receive an appliance that is custom-fitted to your mouth to meet your unique needs.
If you’re looking for solutions for sleep apnea in Rochester, Michigan, contact John L. Aurelia, D.D.S., PLLC at (248) 243-6044 to book an appointment. Dr. John Aurelia will work with you to find the best dental solution for your sleep needs.