Restorative services are important for patients in the Rochester, MI area who are faced with problems within the smile. Drs. John L. Aurelia and Dina Khoury are dentists who offer treatment options for patients when issues occur. When a patient has a cavity, they will often be told they can benefit greatly from tooth-colored fillings.
Fillings are placed within a tooth that has had a cavity to seal off the tooth to protect it from further damage. Untreated cavities can become extremely problematic, as once a cavity becomes deep enough to affect the dental pulp within the tooth, patients may need invasive procedures such as root canal therapy. Instead, we can treat cavities as soon as they form with tooth-colored fillings.
In the past, the primary filling used for patients was silver amalgam. However, this material is comprised of approximately 50 percent mercury, increasing the risk of mercury toxicity. Because of this, many dentists began to shy away from using this material and instead, use a tooth-colored alternative known as composite resin. This material is not only safer, but also more aesthetic and will not be compromised by temperature changes as silver amalgam fillings can be. Dr. John L. Aurelia is proud to offer these fillings as a standard for patients in his practice.
Tooth-colored fillings are:
Any patient who has an area of decay that needs to be treated can ask about the use of composite resin bonding as a filling material. Cavities should be treated as soon as possible to keep them from becoming larger and more damaging to the smile. In fact, cavities in general can be completely avoided when patients maintain their routine dental health by brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly.
Composite resin is an effective treatment for cavities, but it can be stained. Patients who enjoy dark beverages and foods including coffees and berries may notice their filings changing color. Because of this, patients may need to have their fillings replaced periodically to ensure they blend in with the smile and do not stand out. Dr. John L. Aurelia can speak to patients about the possibility of replacing fillings when needed for aesthetic purposes.
Drs. John L. Aurelia and Dina Khoury in Rochester, MI provide patients with solutions for the smile that are not only effective but also cosmetic. If you have an area of decay that needs to be treated and you are seeking cosmetic enhancements, we encourage you to book an appointment at the practice at 804 N. Main Street #201A to learn about composite resin for cavities. Call the office at [phone2] today and schedule your consultation visit to learn more about this and other restorative treatments available!